You can enter your email address or mobile number and click on the "Forgot Password" link. We will send you a reset link via email or an OTP to your mobile number to help you set a new password.
Do I need to register to shop at
Yes, you need to create an account to shop online. Registering allows you to:
Can I change my delivery address after placing an order?
Yes, you can update your delivery address within 6 hours of placing your order by contacting our customer care team. If you are not able to connect with our customer care, we request you to kindly cancel your order and re-order with us with updated address.
We accept the following payment methods:
For custom-made orders, our customer care team will contact you to collect a 5% advance payment. This is valid only if the garment is custom-made according to your size specifications. Custom-made garments fall under the non-returnable category; however, we do ensure you get the perfect fit and work to ensure that garments are made according to your size specifications.
With COD, you can pay by cash or card at the time of delivery.
· Prepaid Order – Rs 100 discount on cart value
Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a shipping confirmation via email. You can track your order by visiting the "My Account" section on or by contacting us on WhatsApp.
When will my order status be updated?
Order status is updated as soon as the product is shipped. You will receive an email with shipping details. If you don’t receive an update within two business days, please contact customer care at +91-8447722222 (10 AM - 7 PM).
Will all my products arrive in a single delivery?
Products may be dispatched from different locations for faster delivery, and they may arrive separately. If you prefer a single shipment, please inform our customer care team.
Are there shipping charges?
For orders within India:
For international orders:
₹2,000 shipping charge for all orders
To cancel an order, contact us at +91-8447722222 or email us at
Do you offer exchanges or returns?
Yes, we offer both exchange and return options within 7 days of receiving your order.
The following items are non-returnable, non-exchangeable, and non-refundable:
As per our exchange policy, an exchange can be initiated within 7 days from the delivery date.
For further assistance, feel free to contact our Customer Support Team at +91-8447722222 (10 AM - 6 PM) or email us at
Thank you for shopping with LittleTags ! 😊